SOI Foundation Arctic Expeditions

In 2016, a summer student position with Parks Canada landed me a unique opportunity to travel to the Canadian and Greenlandic High Arctic on an expedition with the SOI Foundation. Students On Ice aims to educate the world’s youth about the importance of the Polar Regions, support their continued growth and inspire and catalyze initiatives that contribute to global sustainability. Deeply moved and inspired by the experience, I joined the head office on the Alumni Program Team in 2017 and transitioned to an expedition videographer in 2018 and 2019. In this role I helped document and share student experiences over the two-week expedition period. This experience showed me the importance of amplifying the voices of Arctic peoples on issues around conservation and policy, as well as the power of youth to inspire and create interdisciplinary change.


Client: SOI Foundation

Role: Alumni Programs Assistant (2017), Media Team (2018, 2019)

Locations: Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Greenland

2016 - Youth - Torngats

2017 - Home Team - Nunavut

2018 - Media Team - Nunavut Greenland

2019 - Media Team - Nunavut Greenland

Listed individually beyond 2019